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  • Writer's pictureMichael Neddo

How does GDPR affect me? Why should I care?

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) were created to protect residents of the European Union (EU), but affect anyone who does business in the EU. All businesses functioning with or within the EU geographic boundaries must comply with these regulations.

The GDPR regulations are complex and comprehensive, but in their most basic form, they are a set of rules that give people more access to the personal information businesses collect from them. This can include, but not limited to, first and last name, email, phone number, demographic information, etc. The regulations protect the privacy of people in the EU, and have created a movement in the rest of the world to push businesses and governments everywhere to be more conscientious about how they use people’s personal data.

Because GDPR affects so many people, businesses may conclude they could easily slide by without becoming compliant; however, this is a big mistake! Businesses found non-compliant with GDPR can be fined. Google, for example, was fined $57 million by France's data protection agency for not being GDPR compliant. No business wants to be fined for something that is easy to fix with a proper understanding of the procedures and protocol.

Are you worried your business could be fined for being non compliant? AppGlo is here to help analyze your business’s current compliance and help build you a plan to resolve any deficiencies. You can schedule a free consultation here with an AppGlo representative.


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